Been a while, here's what's new!

Alright, so we missed the Summer kickstarter launch we'd hoped for. I do apologize for that, but we're making huge strides and it won't be long now!

So here' the updated title screen we'll be using. And since it's been a while since I've shown any previews here, I might as well post some now.

Yup, sprites are ALL finished! Backgrounds are in the works, Solo is hard at work on soundtrack number 2, and the trailer video is being created right now for the Kickstarter launch! Things are moving fast now :)

So you're all aware, the sequel game is going to be $15. Those who wanted to package the deal with the already released games can do so. As well, we also have the 2nd fandisk, which will be available for the KS campaign as well (additional $5). Kind of a steal given how much content is in everything this time, but I really wanna keep trying to get these out to as many people as possible.

Finally, the page for the project is pretty much ready to go but I'm holding off posting it until release, as it generates a lot of views when it's first launched on the site. It'd definitely be helpful if we had a download ready for when that happens, that's all. Until next time, folks! Stay tuned for the incoming video trailer! It's gonna be AMAZING!

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